2018-03-11 21:16 — asano
SigneticsのN8T380N Quad Bus Receiver with Hysteresis-Schmitt Triggerです。名称からはわかりませんが、2入力のNORになっています。
型番 | 機能 | 備考 |
8T01 | Nixie Decoder / Driver | ニキシー管は"0"~"9"の形の陰極があるのでBCD⇒10のデコーダと高耐圧のオープンコレクタドライバ |
8T04 | 7-Segment Decoder Display Driver (Active-Low Outputs) | オープンコレクタ出力 |
8T05 | 7-Segment Decoder Display Driver (Active-Hi Outputs) | |
8T06 | 7-Segment Decoder Display Driver (Active-Low Outputs) | オープンコレクタ出力 |
8T09 | Quad Bus Driver with Three-State Outputs | |
8T10 | Quad D-Type Bus Latch (Three-State) | |
8T13 | Dual Line Driver | |
8T14 | Triple Line Receiver with Hysteresis | |
8T15 | Dual Communications EIA/MIL Line Driver | |
8T16 | Dual Communications EIA/MIL Line Receiver | |
8T18 | Dual 2-Input NAND Gate | |
8T20 | Bidirectional Monostable Multivibrator | |
8T22 | Bidirectional Monostable Multivibrator | |
8T23 | Dual Line Driver for IBM 360/370 Interface | |
8T24 | Triple Line Receiver for IBM 360/370 Interface | |
8T25 | Dual MOS Sense Amplifier with Latch (Three-State Outputs) | |
8T26 | Quad Bus Driver / Receiver (Three-State Outputs) | |
8T28 | Quad Non-Inverting Bus Driver / Receiver (Three-State Outputs) | |
8T30 | Dual TTL/DTL to MOS Transceiver / Port Controller | |
8T31 | 8-Bit Bidirectional I/O Port | |
8T32 | 8-Bit Latched Addressable Bidirectional I/O Port | |
8T33 | 8-Bit Latched Addressable Bidirectional I/O Port | |
8T34 | Quad Bus Transceiver (Three-State Outputs) | |
8T35 | 8-Bit Latched Addressable Bidirectional I/O Port | |
8T36 | Tri-State, Asynchronous User Port | |
8T37 | Hex Bus Receiver with Hysteresis-Schmitt Trigger | |
8T38 | Quad Bus Transceiver (Open Collector) | |
8T80 | Quad 2-Input NAND Interface Gate | |
8T90 | Hex Inverter Interface Element | |
8T95 | High-Speed Hex 3-State Buffer | |
8T96 | High-Speed Hex 3-State Inverter | |
8T97 | High-Speed Hex 3-State Buffer | |
8T98 | High-Speed Hex 3-State Inverter | |
8T125 | Octal 3-State Transceiver | |
8T126 | Quad 3-State Transceiver | |
8T129 | Quad 3-State Transceiver | |
8T245 | Octal Transceiver | 74LS245とピン互換 |
8T363 | Dual Zero Crossing Detector | |
8T380 | Quad Bus Receiver with Hysteresis-Schmitt Trigger | |
8T3404 | 6-Bit Latch |
ちなみに通常のゲートやフリップフロップ等は8200シリーズとなっていました。前に取り上げたROM N82S137なども8200を高速化した82S00シリーズの一員です。
8T380データシート, Signetics.